Important COVID-19 Update for CWH Residents

Important COVID-19 Update for CWH Residents

20 March 2020

Dear Residents,

City West Housing (CWH) has been monitoring developments relating to COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) daily and assessing any potential impact on CWH services and events.

It is important we all take measures to mitigate the spread of the virus to ensure the safety of our communities, including the elderly and other vulnerable groups.

Today, our Management team has met and decided on responses to help protect our staff and residents, whilst maintaining support to our more than 1,400 residents.

The temporary measures we are implementing are unprecedented for CWH. However, these are unique times that require bold decisions both to protect our team and do our part to curb the spread of this virus in your community.

To assist our whole community to increase social distancing measures recommended by Health authorities, and to limit non-essential social contact, we have made the decision that from Thursday 19 March, our office located at 2/56 Harris St Pyrmont will be closed to the public.

As well as closing our office, all non-essential face to face meetings or visits will not be undertaken until further notice. This includes all property inspections and resident engagement events.

Other functions such as key and access device management can be done over the phone, utilising express mail services and other measures which do not require access into the office. You can contact us on

Resident responsibility

We ask that any resident who is self-isolating or has been diagnosed with COVID-19 to let us know so that we can manage any potential risk to our staff and contractors who may attend the building.

What if I need to contact the office?

All CWH staff remain contactable during business hours Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm via email or phone as we are here to respond to your ongoing needs. If you have a meeting already scheduled with your Housing Manager, this meeting will be moved to a teleconference or phone call.

What about the contractors CWH use?

We are currently working with all our contractors to ensure they have implemented safe work practices for any work they may do in our buildings or in individual apartments. At this point it is business as usual, however, this may change rapidly.

We have also arranged for additional cleaning of common areas across all our buildings. As an extra measure we will pay particular attention to areas with high human contact, such as;

·         Lifts and lift landing

·         Common area door handles and front gates including glass

·         Common area handrails

·         Mopping of hard surfaces including tiles

·         Garbage areas

Repairs and Maintenance

While it is business as usual for our maintenance services right now, this may change. We will keep you notified of any change to existing arrangements.

We are aware there is a shortage of some supermarket products at the moment, including toilet paper. If you are using toilet wipes or paper towel, please don’t flush this down the toilet as we have had a number of plumbing issues due to blockages in recent days. This will simply place extra stress on our maintenance services contractor and means that there will be additional contact required between our contractors and residents.

I’m no longer working, what should I do?

CWH is aware that some of our residents may be working reduced hours or not at all as a result of the coronavirus. If your income has gone down (either because of a loss of work due to COVID19 or for any other reason) you can request a review of your rent.

In order for us to review the rent we charge you will need to provide us with proof of your new income.  This may include;

·         proof of the reduction in income i.e. a variation of payslips or a letter from your employer confirming reduced hours

·         proof of no longer working i.e. separation certificate

·         details of the new income i.e. a Centrelink statement

You’ll also need to complete a rent review form so that we can recalculate your rent. You can download the form from our website or request a form be posted to you. Completed forms can be returned via email, post or placed in our mailbox at 56 Harris Street, Pyrmont.

You should let us know of any significant increase or decrease in income within 21 days..

How do I pay my rent?

Your rent payments can continue to be made either over the phone, via your bank or Centrepay.

Please note – due to the office closure, no payments will be taken in the office.

If you need to access emergency financial assistance our Housing Services team has compiled a list of organisations that may be able to assist. You can find this list on our website.

Working through this together

It is a challenging time for everyone.  CWH is committed to working with staff, residents, contractors, other stakeholders and the relevant authorities to listen, take advice and importantly, take decisive action through this period.

The situation remains fluid and further decisions may have to be made with short or little notice in line with Government and Health Authority advice. We realise this may cause inconvenience and appreciate your ongoing flexibility as we respond to the changing situation.

We continue to access information and monitor the situation through the Australian Government Department of Health and World Health Organisation.

Our priority is always the health and safety of our staff and residents, and we will continue to keep you updated. One way to stay updated is by adding us on Facebook at @cwh.citywesthousing where we will be providing regular updates regarding our services. Should you have any questions or would like to discuss this further with us, please get in touch with us either by phone on 8584 7500 or email us on

Thank you for your understanding as we continue to offer you our services during this time.  We look forward to working through this together. 

Warm Regards,

Leonie King

Chief Executive Officer

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Our office is open 8 am - 4 pm Monday to Friday.
Please make an appointment if you wish to meet with your Housing Manager.