Congratulations to the winners of the Community Impact Awards

Congratulations to the 2021 Community Impact (CI) Award winners. The awards were established to celebrate CWH residents who are making a significant impact on the people around them. It’s part of our ongoing efforts to ensure all our residents feel safe and welcomed in their CWH community.

This year a record number of award winners were recognised including a special commendation prize, which were announced at the online resident forum on Saturday 13 November.

We received more than 40 nominations to celebrate City West Housing (CWH) residents who are making a significant impact on the people around them. Some of the reasons they were recognised were for demonstrating support, care, kindness, leadership and inspiration to others. Their good deeds ranged from gifting surprise meals to arranging medical appointments and shopping for neighbours, for giving tenants a voice, undertaking charity work and brightening their neighbourhood so residents feel connection to country, pride and joy in where they live.

Thank you to all the City West Housing residents and staff who nominated them, see the list of award winners below.

List of 2021 Community Impact Award winners by category

Community Spirit

(Joint winners) Courtney and Cheryl White

Special Commendation prize – Pedro Julio Escobar Florez

Outstanding Young Person Award

Kyle McIntyre           

Creative Minds Award 

Maddison Gibbs

Unsung Hero

(Joint winners) Nikki Cloutt and Thi Nguyen


Mike Butler

Record number of Award Winners

This year due to the high calibre of award nominees the panel couldn’t decide so the award categories of Unsung Hero and Community Spirit resulted in joint award winners plus a special commendation prize.

The winners of each of the five award categories including joint winners will all receive a $1000 Westfield gift voucher. The Special Commendation prize winner will receive a $250 voucher.

See some of the extracts from the nominations, to see why this special group of 2021 CI Award winners were recognised for making a significant impact on the people living at City West Housing.

Cheryl and Courtney

“Cheryl and Courtney have always been looking out for their neighbours and generously giving their time and compassion to others in the building. They have persistently taken care of one of their neighbours, by checking in on him multiple times a week and even taking him to the hospital when needed.


“Pedro cooks beautiful South American dishes for many people in our building. He also vacuums apartments for older residents and is always looking for ways to help his fellow neighbours.”


Kyle is a 19-year-old Aboriginal/Australian from a single income family, whose father passed away. He commenced a traineeship with the Star Light Children’s Foundation two years ago. He works in the charity’s office and at the Children’s Starlight room at Randwick Hospital. He has completed a business degree  with TAFE NSW.

Kyle was a Finalist for Indigenous Trainee Apprentice of the Year.


“Maddie has made such a positive difference to our building with their colourful mural project [called ‘Heal Country’]. It reminds us residents of the importance of connection to country, and that this always was, and always will be, Aboriginal land.”

“The joyous, colourful entrance, celebrating First Nations land we live on gives the building a proud identity.”

Read more about Maddison.


“Nikki Cloutt helped me one afternoon when I was really disorientated because I had recently gone blind. She helped me to get back to my place, cooked meals for me, and helped me with my food and shopping. Nikki helps other people too. I really appreciated her help.”


“Thi is one of the kindest, compassionate people I’ve ever met. She is almost 70 years-of-age and due to an unfortunate family situation is raising her 12-year-old granddaughter. I also know she helps to support her grandson who is unable to reside with her. Raising a child is no easy feat even when you are young but to do this as a 70-year-old requires so much strength, love and grace.”

“We have become great friends and I can’t think of a better way to honour this amazing woman than to award her an Unsung Hero Award because she is the epitome of one.”


“As a local Aboriginal man, Mike has community spirit. He will advocate for those that seek his assistance. He is very compassionate and has empathy. Two important traits required in being a leader.”

“He has a good outlook on life and has consideration and genuine concern for his fellow residents. He is always on hand to give help especially to an old pensioner like me.”

If you missed the online resident forum or would like to watch it again, please click on the ‘watch again’ button on the below screen:

By watching the forum you can also:

  • See when the Community Impact Award winners were announced
  • View a presentation about the year in review
  • Celebrate City West Housing’s achievements
  • Find out the latest update on the Tenants’ Voice group
  • Watch the Q&A section with CWH’s Leadership team




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