CWH’S Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)

Over the past few months, CWH has been working with our staff and Aboriginal residents to develop our very first Reflect RAP. CWH appreciates the importance of recognising our First People in practice and want to ensure our staff can broaden their knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal culture.

So why do a RAP?

‘A RAP is a strategic document that supports an organisation’s business plan. It includes practical actions that will drive an organisation’s contribution to reconciliation both internally and in the communities in which it operates.

The RAP Program contributes to advancing the five dimensions of reconciliation by supporting organisations to develop respectful relationships and create meaningful opportunities with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.’ – Reconciliation Australia

How are we developing our RAP?

CWH has engaged an Aboriginal facilitator Anthony Carter, a Senior Community Engagement Officer from NSW Aboriginal Land Council, to assist CWH in developing a RAP that creates staff awareness and understanding of traditional, historical, and contemporary Australian Aboriginal history, helps us develop protocols for how we respond to this important heritage.

The CWH RAP will align to the 5 spheres of Reconciliation Australia;

  • Race Relations
  • Equality and Equity
  • Institutional Integrity
  • Unity
  • Historical Acceptance

CWH will also endeavour to align our RAP to the relevant Community Housing for Aboriginal People Standard (CHAP) Aboriginal Cultural Competency Standards against the 5 Spheres of Reconciliation Australia, these being:

  • Rights
  • Historical & Social
  • Person & Family Centred
  • Service Access & Support
  • Service Delivery & Support
  • Governance
  • Feedback Issues Resolution

We are aiming to have our very first RAP completed by mid-next year so watch this space!

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