Acacia Apartments

Acacia Apartments

City West Housing’s Acacia Apartments site is located within Green Square Town Centre. The site was residual land from the construction of the new Ashmore Connector East Road, connecting Green Square to the Ashmore precinct. 

The City of Sydney nominated the residual land for use as affordable housing in perpetuity and sold the land at a discounted rate to City West Housing. The project is estimated to provide 255 apartments, all for use as affordable rental housing.

If you have additional questions regarding Acacia Apartments, you can contact the development team.

Last updated: July 2024

Stage 1 Development Application was approved in September 2023

Completed the Design Excellence Competition in December 2023

Stage 2 Development Application was submitted in July 2024

Acacia Apartments are located at 330-332 Botany Road, Alexandria in the Green Square Town Centre within the City of Sydney Local Government Area. 

They are conveniently located across from the Green Square Train station and the Green Square library. Additional local amenities include: Matron Ruby Grant park, children’s playground, Joynton Avenue Creative Centre, the new Gunyama Park Aquatic and Recreation Centre, and the Drying Green. The site’s traditional custodians are the Gadigal people of the Eora nation.


Following our Approach to Design, the project delivers on our Wellbeing, Belonging, Value and Collaboration goals through:

Wellbeing of our residents

  • All-electric building to help reduce resident bills
  • 3-bedroom family units on lower floors

Belonging in our communities

  • Contribute towards community infrastructure and dedicate footpaths for community use
  • Design to be indistinguishable from market housing

Value for City West Housing

  • Reduce operational costs by using solar PV panels
  • Consider long term sustainability – no natural gas in the development to reduce carbon emissions

Collaboration with partners

  • Design allows for car-share spaces to accommodate our car share partner
  • Incorporating resident feedback into the design such as communal open space

Project Team:

If you are interested in writing an article about our project or City West Housing, please contact us.



Our office is open 8 am - 4 pm Monday to Friday.
Please make an appointment if you wish to meet with your Housing Manager.