New Aspire Education Fund supports young residents to stay at school

City West Housing has launched the Aspire Education Fund to support residents with high school-age children to stay at school, thereby enhancing their future education, employment and life prospects.

The initial scheme will run for two years, with successful applicants eligible for up to $1,000 per year for up to two years to invest in the education of young people in their care in Years 7-10.

CEO Leonie King said: “We know that young people did it really tough during the COVID pandemic and those from lower socio-economic backgrounds more than most. Recent research also shows that Year 12 completion rates, a key predictor of life outcomes, have fallen in NSW.”

“This project aligns with our objective to support our tenants and their households to participate socially and economically,” said Leonie.

Aspire can fund a wide range of educational activities and resources, such as a tutor, sporting equipment, school excursions, approved textbooks and stationery, and extra-curricular activities.

The scheme is initially being co-funded with SR Construction Pty Ltd, our maintenance contractors, as part of their contractual agreement with us.

Applications close on 27 March and the winners will be announced by 7 April.

Learn more or apply for funding.

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