Ending a Tenancy


The amount of notice you need to give us depends on when you signed your lease and if you are leaving to join another social housing provider. If you are in the first six months of your tenancy or if you are leaving to join another social housing provider then you are only required to give 14 days notice to CWH. If however you are past six months since the start of your tenancy and are leaving to buy your own home or to rent privately then you need to give 21 days notice to CWH.

If you do not give notice and there are no exceptional circumstances you will be charged rent until the end of the 21 day period.

Once you give your notice we will try to arrange a time to do a pre-vacate inspection. Following this, you will get a list of items to address before you vacate your unit. At the final property inspection a report will be completed and any rent and/or water owing up to the end of the tenancy are sent to you in writing.

If CWH decides to recover any outstanding charges from the bond you will be told in writing and asked to sign a bond form. The bond form will be forwarded by CWH to the Rental Bond Board.


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To make sure you can keep connected, take part in our community engagement programs and get news from CWH, our partners and your neighbours, please let us know if you have changed your email address by contacting enquiries@citywesthousing.com.au.


Our office is open Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Please book a meeting ahead of time if you wish to speak with your Housing Manager.