Not sure how and what to recycle? Confused by what’s allowed in which bins? Many of us are in the same boat. There is so much confusing information out there and it’s hard to know exactly what goes where. If this is you, and you would like to know more about how to demystify recycling read on…
Southern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (SSROC) which includes the City of Sydney, have organised a series of workshops that are part of the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA), Waste Less, Recycle More initiative, funded from the waste levy.
The below workshops are available until the end of July 2019;
Can I Recycle This?
This workshop shows you what happens to material placed in bins once they are collected and how we can fight the war on waste. Become a recycling expert through our hands-on activities and find out what to do with tricky items like takeaway cups, pizza boxes, batteries, fruit nets and furniture.
Essential Food Tips – Save Money and Reduce Food Waste
Learn simple tricks to make the most out of your groceries. Pick up useful tips on shopping, cooking, revamping and keeping fruit and veggies fresh – so you don’t lose precious nutrients to the bin. Celebrate good food culture with our money saving tips!
How to Reduce Plastic
Hopping into our shopping trolley since the ‘70s, plastics are now finding their way across the planet, and back to us in our food chain. What are the simple alternatives that we can use every day instead? Come share our tips and reduce plastic waste one piece at a time.
Buy Swap Sell Second Hand Online
Learn how to use online platforms and mobile apps to score a bargain, free up space or find a new home for items that are too good to throw away.
If you would like a workshop at your building you will need a minimum of 10 residents to attend, so rally the troops and ask your neighbours to join in the recycling education journey!
To register your interest contact us on 8584 7503 or