
City West Housing is a nationally regulated Tier 1 community housing provider, a registered charity and a company limited by shares. We have a skills-based independent Board whose role is to set and guide the strategic direction of City West Housing Pty Ltd and its wholly owned subsidiary CWH Sydney South, and to oversee delivery of the strategy with an appropriate level of governance and risk management.

Read the Director biographies below or learn more about the Board Sub-Committees.

Appointed Director: December 2018, Appointed Chair: July 2020

Qualifications: FAICD; FCA; GAICD; FGIA; B. Com; M. Com

Expertise: Non-executive director or business adviser on commercial, listed and for purpose boards in property, environmental services, health services, retail consumer, technology and finance sectors. More than 15 years’ non-executive director board experience.

Background: More than 25 years of executive director experience in a global accounting firm delivering corporate finance, merger, acquisition and investment advice across a number industry sectors, predominantly infrastructure, property, funds management, financial services, health and aged care services.

Appointed: December 2015

Qualifications: B. Econ, GAICD

Expertise: More than 30 years’ experience in the development, funds management and construction arenas.

Background: Executive Director, Archerfield Property Group; former Chief Operating Officer for Real Estate Development, Valad Property Group; former GM southern region, Walter Construction Group.

Appointed: 10 August 2021

Qualifications: BASc, GAICD

Expertise: More than 35 years’ experience in the real estate development industry, managing multiple large scale, multi-staged, mixed use, high-profile developments, high level of financial, technical (engineering) and commercial knowledge.

Background: CEO of listed real estate development entities across Australia and internationally. 15 years with both Lend Lease and Mirvac and most recently as CEO with Aqualand.

Appointed: April 2017

Qualifications: BA (USyd), LLB (USyd), GAICD

Expertise: Law, governance, urban planning and development.

Background: More than 30 years’ experience practising law and in senior executive roles with the NSW Government and City of Sydney Council. Chair of audit and risk committees including NSW Aboriginal Land Council, NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet and the Greater Cities Commission and chair and member of local and regional planning panels.

Appointed: April 2017

Qualifications: B. Town Planning (UNSW); Dip Law, Graduate Dip Mgmt, Financial Analysis Cert, Shared Value Cert; GAICD

Expertise: Urban planning; housing policy, strategy and delivery; property; law; management and financial analysis; an experienced company director.

Background: Managing Director of a planning and strategy firm, Urbanista Australia Pty Ltd, with experience in urban renewal, complex projects, financial modelling, and corporate governance.

Appointed: 10 August 2021

Qualifications: FCPA, GAICD, MBA, B.Bus (Acc), Grad. Diploma of Change Management

Expertise: More than 20 years’ experience across the commercial, private and not for profit sectors with particular focus on the tourism, infrastructure, accommodation and property development industries.

Background: Ex-CFO and Executive Member of subsidiary divisions of Carnival Corporation (both in AU/NZ and Asia). Prior divisional CFO and Executive positions within Toga Hospitality & Property Group (Europe & Sydney) and senior finance positions at the Lend Lease Group. Current Board Member and Committee Chair of NFP, Be Kind Sydney. CPA Divisional Councillor (NSW) and Committee Member for the CPA Ethics and Professional Standards CoE.

Appointed: December 2018

Qualifications: B. Social Work, Grad Cert in Screenwriting, MAICD.

Expertise: Executive experience in government and non-government sectors, over 20 years in family and community services. Facilitated numerous government bodies and NGO peak bodies such as Families Australia, CAFWA, ACWA and GoodStart’s Expert Advisory Group.

Background: Currently CEO of the Association of Children’s Welfare Agencies. Deputy Secretary, FACS NSW up until April 2017. Prior to that was Chief Executive, Community Services & General Manager, Operations at the Benevolent Society. Extensive experience in the area of child youth and family services, especially child protection, family violence and mental health. Other directorships: Parenting Research Centre.

Board Sub-Committees

City West Housing has two Board Sub-Committees to oversee strategic areas of the business:

Finance, Risk and Audit

The role of this committee is to assist the Board in the effective discharge of its responsibility for oversight of financial, compliance and risk management of City West Housing.

Development and Asset Management

The role of this committee is to assist the Board in the effective oversight of City West Housing’s property acquisition and development program and asset management.

Remuneration and Nominations

This committee assists and advises the Board in fulfilling its overall responsibilities relating to the structure and composition of the Board and its sub-committees, and also the remuneration and performance framework of the CEO and the Executive Leadership Team.

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Please book a meeting ahead of time if you wish to speak with your Housing Manager.