
CWH Annual Reports

The City West Housing Annual Reports describe who we are and what we do, our strategic plan and how we are meeting the plan. You can read about our residents, our portfolio and our services, meet the Management Team and Board, and review the official statements required for an annual report.


City West Housing’s new 2023 Annual Report showcases what we have achieved in the past 12 months and how we are positioning for growth, including:

- A five-year new Strategic Plan that commits us to significant yet sustainable growth

- A development pipeline of more than 400 apartments in the next five years

- The launch of the Aspire Education Fund for young people

- The launch of TAS, our new tenancy management system

Read the 2023 Annual Report HERE

Read the 2023 Annual Financial Report HERE


To download PDF version of each report please click on the images below.


Our office is open 8 am - 4 pm Monday to Friday.
Please make an appointment if you wish to meet with your Housing Manager.