Contact René McKenzie-Low
City west Housing is proud to be part of The Pyrmont Ultimo Network of Services (PUNS) which was established in March 2016 with the agreed mission to work collaboratively to improve coordination of programs and services to Ultimo and Pyrmont communities, and enable more effective and efficient use of available resources.
- To define important issues affecting Ultimo and Pyrmont communities.
- To facilitate information sharing, problem solving and ideas exchange.
- To improve coordination of programs and services to Ultimo and Pyrmont communities, and enable more effective and efficient use of available resources.
- To support short and medium-term funded projects and services.
- To empower network members through relevant training and guest presentations.
- To streamline volunteer recruitment and referrals.
- To advocate for community outcomes and lobby as a voice of service organisations in the region
Earlier this year two of our members, the Uniting Harris Community Centre and Mustard Seed Uniting Church Congregation conducted a community consultation with a series of community conversations in Ultimo & Pyrmont to find out “What Kind of a Community” people wanted in the local area, the report was then shared with everyone at PUNS and members of the local community.
Key findings of the community consultation;
– Increase community participation
– Reduce social isolation
– Improve accessibility to community activities and services
– Improve safety
Therefore, we at PUNS have agreed to address the four key areas in the consultation action plan and are excited to announce that we will be bringing back the Ultimo Pyrmont Festival in 2017 with the theme Uptown Festival – Our Stories. This event was last held in 2012 and has been missed greatly by the community.
The Festival is designed to provide a platform for local community members, groups & businesses and assist them in showcasing their talents/services/products to a broader community as well as addressing the key findings in the action plan.
In line with the event’s theme, we are inviting people to share “Our Stories”. We want to hear from a diverse range of voices and experiences, which together provide an opportunity to reflect and explore a sense of our shared identity.