CWH Reconciliation Action Plan – Reflect

This Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan sets out our commitment to better understand the people we serve and to better understand how to be genuinely inclusive in our interactions with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their communities.

You can download the Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan below.

Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan

Download PDF version of the Reconciliation Action Plan HERE

The aims of City West Housing’s Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan

  • To better understand the people we serve and how to be genuinely inclusive in our interactions with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their communities.
  • That everyone at CWH will invest in building stronger connections with and proactively support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their communities.
  • Increasing our awareness of the lived realities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, their histories, cultures and identities. This enhanced understanding will help inform the decisions we make and the initiatives, projects and partnerships we undertake.
  • Ensure that our vision for reconciliation is reflected in our culture, our governance processes, our decisions and actions taken by our staff.
  • Support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents and their families, including:

— Encouraging them to contribute their skills, knowledge and stories to enhance our understanding

— Ensuring our interactions with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are culturally appropriate

— Building relationships with local Aboriginal services to provide any necessary supports.

  •  Contribute towards the five dimensions of reconciliation: race relations; equality and equity; institutional integrity; unity; and historical acceptance.
Contact Us

If you would like to share your feedback, get more information about upcoming events, share your story with us or if you would like to recommend resources for staff and the community to help acheive our Reconciliation vision, please get in touch here.

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Please book a meeting ahead of time if you wish to speak with your Housing Manager.