Tenant Survey
The 2023 Tenant Satisfaction Survey is now closed. Thank you for providing your valuable feedback.
We will notify prize winners shortly.
The annual Tenant Satisfaction Survey gives our residents a chance to give us feedback on the services we’re providing.
An independent agency, the Community Housing Industry Association NSW (CHIA NSW), is managing the survey on our behalf so that all responses are completely anonymous.
Why complete the survey?
All tenants who completed the survey will be in the draw to win a consultation with an interior stylist and showroom furniture to the value of $2,000 supplied by Valiant Hire Furniture, $1,000 worth of showroom furniture supplied by Valiant, or one of four Coles Myer gift cards worth $250 each.
Your feedback informs how we deliver our services to you. Here are some examples of how resident feedback from the 2022 Tenant Satisfaction Survey has brought about changes:
- Residents said they wanted more ways to give feedback, so we added a new feedback mechanism to our website.
- Residents told us they didn’t understand how to appeal a decision, so we worked with our Tenant Voice Group to simplify our appeals policy in plain English.
- Residents asked for more help around simple repair issues, so we created a set of information resources and factsheets with useful tips and advice.
Tenant Satisfaction Survey

The annual Tenant Satisfaction Survey gives our residents a chance to give us feedback on the services we’re providing.
An independent agency, the Community Housing Industry Association NSW (CHIA NSW), manages the survey on our behalf so that all responses are completely anonymous.
Thank you to the 43% of our households that completed the survey this year, and for reporting an overall satisfaction with City West Housing of 86%.
We are currently going over the results and developing an action plan to further improve our services to residents. More information will be available in the coming months.
In the meantime, if you have a compliment, complaint, or more feedback, please complete our online form.
Why do we ask residents to complete the survey?
Resident feedback informs how we deliver our services.
Here are some examples of how resident feedback from previous Tenant Satisfaction Surveys has brought about changes:
- Residents said they wanted more ways to give feedback, so we added a new feedback mechanism to our website.
- Residents told us they didn’t understand how to appeal a decision, so we worked with our Tenant Voice Group to simplify our appeals policy in plain English.
- Residents asked for more help around simple repair issues, so we created a set of information resources and factsheets with useful tips and advice.
Interested in getting more involved?
Join us in building a stronger City West Housing community.
Here are some ways you can get involved:
- Become a member of the Tenants’ Voice Group
- Join the Ageing in Place Working Group, for residents aged 60 years and older
- Attend the Annual Resident Forum in October
- Check the calendar for upcoming activities, workshops and events
- Find links to services and employment opportunities for First Nations people