Thank you to CWH’s Tenants Voice and welcome to the new members

Thank you to the Tenants Voice


City West Housing (CWH) would like to acknowledge and thank the CWH Tenants Voice members (listed below) who have contributed in excess of 500 hours of their own time over the past three years towards creating a pathway for resident’s voices to be heard.

  • Alice           *Remaining a valued member of the TV Group
  • Maria          *Remaining a valued member of the TV Group
  • Barbara
  • Kylie
  • Wendy
  • Rahnia
  • Shae
  • Garnet
  • Wendy

The TV group also helped develop the 2018-2021 Community Impact Strategy with the following goals:

1 – Residents feel proud of where they live.

2 – Residents feel safe and welcomed in their community.

3 – Residents have a genuine say in the way we do things.

Two of the key projects that have emerged from this Strategy include Build Your Neighbourhood and the Community Impact Awards.

Thank you for all your thoughts, feedback and positive contributions!

Now as we start a new TV member’s term we are happy to announce we have a new team of resident members who will take the TV group into the next three years with an emphasis on making the Tenants Voice known amongst residents and being a gateway to have your voices heard.

Video of TV group 2021 quotes

Welcome to the new members of the team (listed below). See why they would like to dedicate their time to benefit the residents of City West Housing with the above video and the following quotes.

  • Amanda
  • Justine 
  • Mike 
  • Gypsy 
  • Jemima 
  • Tamara 

Community Impact Leadership Award Winner, ongoing TV Group Member, Alice 

“I’ve been a CWH resident for over six years and have lived in the inner city of Sydney nearly all my life.

“I like to advocate for myself and others, to improve people’s situations, to allow more people to become CWH residents and increase the affordable housing stock.”

Alice, who is the Inclusive Volunteering Program Coordinator, at The Centre for Volunteering welcomes new members to the Group.


“To seek assistance for the frail and unwell tenants in city west accommodation that live alone with serious impairments and without support.”


“I would like to be part of reviewing policy to ensure that the place I live is governed by fair and equitable measures.”


“I have a passion for community development and involvement. I consider it essential to support CWH member’s access to valued social activities and services. Everyone should feel that they are able to contribute meaningfully to those activities and have the option to participate fully.

“It’s particularly important to contribute in such uncertain times, when many feel isolated.”


“I’m keen to see how I can help my community to get more involved in CWH initiatives and activities and hopefully be one of many voices on the TV group sharing their knowledge and experience of their community, within the City of Sydney area.

“I am also interested to learn from other CWH communities. We are a diverse and wonderful bunch.”


“I’m a believer in giving vulnerable residents agency in landlord decisions affecting them. I want to understand how the current system does that and if possible how to improve it.

“I’m an Aboriginal man who’s lived in the area for a long time and none of the Aboriginals I know in CWH know of the TV group, I want to give them representation.”


“I want to be a voice for the vulnerable residents.”

We look forward to working with our new TV Group, please stay tuned for updates from the team, including a new charter.

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