The Sun’s Shining on Our Energy Efficiency Program

We are pleased to expand our Energy Efficiency Program to help reduce our residents’ energy bills and bring positive benefits for our environment.

Our new solar initiative which will see solar panels installed on three of our buildings, was developed in partnership with the NSW Government to deliver energy efficient improvements to households and to relieve energy stress.

Up to 225 residents living in these three buildings should see reduced energy bills at the conclusion of the program. The installation will start this week and all three buildings should be completed by the end of December. These three buildings were selected because of the roof size and number of apartments.

We have also recently installed solar panels in the common areas of two of our buildings to help reduce the cost of common area electricity.

In addition to savings for residents and City West Housing, this program will reduce carbon emissions and contribute to a greener planet. The program builds on the success of our common area lighting upgrades to all of the buildings in our portfolio which is projected to save annually:

  • 458,675KWh
  • $139,543 in energy costs
  • 376.11 Tons of carbon emissions or
  • 124.28 cars off the road

The new solar initiative is projected for residents to save annually:

  • 307,578 KWh
  • $63,963 in energy costs
  • 252.21 tons of carbon emissions or
  • 83.3 cars off the road

The solar initiative common area upgrade is projected to save City West Housing annually:

  • 74,600 KWh
  • $7,824 in energy costs
  • 61.17 tons of carbon emissions or
  • 20.2 cars off the road

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