Working With Us

We collaborate in ways that allow every partner to contribute their expertise and ensure the best outcome.

Are you interested in playing a role in delivering more affordable housing in Sydney?

For more information, view our Capability Statement and Concept Design Guidelines.

If your organisation would like to partner with City West Housing, contact us:

  • Submit the online form below
  • Email us
  • Phone us on (02) 8584 7500.


Working With Us

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The Housing SEPP is “the NSW State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) 2021 (which) facilitates development of affordable and diverse housing in the right places and for every stage of life”.

It includes provisions for affordable housing.

Read the policy

View the legislation

“The NSW Affordable Housing Ministerial Guidelines set out the legislative and policy framework for delivering affordable housing that has been developed with financial assistance from the NSW Government or under state planning and is owned or managed by registered community housing providers.”

These guidelines apply to affordable housing developed under the Housing SEPP. That means that any housing developed and to be offered as affordable rental housing must be managed by a registered community housing provider (see next item below).

Read the guidelines

The National Regulatory System for Community Housing (NRSCH) has a register of all Community Housing Providers, including City West Housing.

Search the register

Affordable housing is housing for very low income households, low income households or moderate income households, being such households as are prescribed by the regulations, or as are provided for in an environmental planning instrument.

Chapter 2, Part 1 of the Housing SEPP describes very low income households, low income households or moderate income households as:

  • Households that have a gross income within the following ranges of percentages of the median household income for Greater Sydney or the rest of NSW:

          –  very low income household—less than 50%,

          –  low income household—50–less than 80%,

          –  moderate income household—80–120%, and

  • Pays no more than 30% of the gross income in rent


The household

  • is eligible to occupy rental accommodation under the National Rental Affordability Scheme, and
  • pays no more rent than the rent that would be charged if the household were to occupy rental accommodation under the Scheme.


View the legislation

Housing stress refers to lower income households that spend more than 30% of their gross income on housing costs.

No. The NSW Ministerial Guidelines do not define eligibility by occupation. The main eligibility requirement is income. Many key workers do qualify for affordable housing.

Read the guidelines


Section 9 of the NSW Ministerial Guidelines describes how rent can be set. It has to be discounted by at least 20% of market rent.

Read the guidelines

There is no single waiting list for affordable housing. However, there are various resources which may provide key information including:

Affordable housing is required across a broad demographic range and unit mix needs to respond to local demand.

Affordable housing needs to comply with the NSW Department of Planning’s Apartment Design Guide (ADG).

Read the guide 

City West Housing has also created Concept Design Guidelines for consideration when developing quality, fit-for-purpose affordable housing. 


If there is a minimum of 30 dwellings in a project and the project is located in the Greater Sydney area, City West Housing is happy to discuss your management needs.

Please complete the online enquiry form on this web page, in the CONTACT US section above, and we will get back to you shortly.


Our office is open Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Please book a meeting ahead of time if you wish to speak with your Housing Manager.